New York, NY
Partnering with Teachers College Faculty to Support Schools and School Systems in New York City and beyond
During the 2018-2019 school year, the UELC launched a partnership with the NYC DOE to provide social and emotional learning training modules for high school teams. Contact us to learn how you can join the UELC SEL Collaborative.
Upcoming UELC Events
New York City
UELC Programming in New York City

SEL Institute Module 2 – February 26, 2019
Module 2 - Advanced Practice in EQ: SEL in Schools 1:15PM-3:30PM, Tuesday, February 26, 2019 In partnership with a pilot group of NYC DOE high schools, UELC is offering SEL professional development for the 2018-2019 school year. These sessions are aligned to NYS and...

SEL Institute Module 1 – February 26, 2019
Module 1 - EQ in Practice: Introduction to SEL 8:00AM-12:30PM, Tuesday, February 26, 2019 In partnership with a pilot group of NYC DOE high schools, UELC is offering SEL professional development for the 2018-2019 school year. These sessions are aligned to NYS and...

Leading Change in Uncertain Times in K-12 Educational Organizations
This fall, join Teachers College Continuing Professional Studies for two complimentary opportunities to learn from veteran principals and Teachers College faculty about tools and practices that help manage change in schools and districts. 4 pm...

Equity and Opportunity for Every Student Summit 2018
Equity and Opportunity for Every Student UELC & NYSSBA NSBA Video: “Equity Matters” Concurrent Break-Out Discussions: Why So Some Students Do Well, While Others Do Not? What Either Limits or Provides Access to Student Learning?A. Closing the...

Strategic Agility April Workshop in New York City
Strategic Agility in Practice Corporate Leadership Expertise Professor, Department of Organization and Leadership Teachers College, Columbia University K12 Education Expertise Associate Director, Urban Education Leaders Collaborative Teachers...