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Weekly SEL Lesson 004
Weekly SEL Lesson 004Emotional Check-In/Out Activity This is a quick activity to check students' emotions as they enter and exit the classroom each day. Using this activity to promote self-awareness and remediate periods of high anxiety or frustration in school...

Weekly SEL Lesson 003
Weekly SEL Lesson 003I Am Unique Exercise Understanding similarities and differences is a part of Emotional Intelligence (EQ) that will help students become better at solving problems or arguments. This is a quick exercise to help students spot similarities and...

Weekly SEL Lesson 002
Weekly SEL Lesson 002Stress & the Brain Learning Activity A 90-minute lesson (or lesson set) to orient others to how stress impacts the brain and how to use dynamic mindfulness to build resiliency. Activity PPT slides (Sarah BSD/Niroga) Activity Facilitator Notes...

Weekly SEL Lesson 001
Weekly SEL Lesson 001Traffic Light Calming Exercise A quick arts-based exercise to help students practice labeling and handling emotions and become more self-aware about how to calm down in difficult situations. Activity Handout (6 Seconds) Activity Lesson Plan (6...

SEL Institute Module 3 – March 26, 2019
Module 3 - Advanced Practice in EQ: Culturally Relevant Pedagogy & Equity 8:00AM-11:30AM, Tuesday, March 26, 2019 In partnership with a pilot group of NYC DOE high schools, UELC is offering SEL professional development for the 2018-2019 school year. These sessions...

EQ Educator Institute: Essential Skills for Social Emotional Learning – June 25, 26, 27, 2019
New Orleans - June 25-27, 2019 8 am - 5 pm 2 CEUs from Columbia University As part of a unique collaboration with Summer Principals Academy - New Orleans and the Urban Education Leaders Collaborative at Teachers College, Columbia University and Six Seconds The...

SEL Institute Module 2 – February 26, 2019
Module 2 - Advanced Practice in EQ: SEL in Schools 1:15PM-3:30PM, Tuesday, February 26, 2019 In partnership with a pilot group of NYC DOE high schools, UELC is offering SEL professional development for the 2018-2019 school year. These sessions are aligned to NYS and...

SEL Institute Module 1 – February 26, 2019
Module 1 - EQ in Practice: Introduction to SEL 8:00AM-12:30PM, Tuesday, February 26, 2019 In partnership with a pilot group of NYC DOE high schools, UELC is offering SEL professional development for the 2018-2019 school year. These sessions are aligned to NYS and...

Life 180 Leadership SPA|NOLA Alumni Workshop
Saturday, December 15, 2018 The best day of your life is the day you decide that your life is your own, where decisions are intentional and lead you down a defined path. Life 180: Creating a Plan for Transformational Change is an opportunity to embark on a personal...

Leading Change in Uncertain Times in K-12 Educational Organizations
This fall, join Teachers College Continuing Professional Studies for two complimentary opportunities to learn from veteran principals and Teachers College faculty about tools and practices that help manage change in schools and districts. 4 pm...