Innovation: a new solution for a new challenge.

–Brian Perkins, UELC Director–

The Urban Education Leaders Collaborative is a differentiated professional development program that empowers educational leaders with relevant tangible skills required to lead in school systems facing unprecedented challenges.

Upcoming UELC Events

NYSSBA 2nd Annual Equity Summit

Teachers College, Columbia University

May 2, 2019

8 am - 3:30 pm

2018 Summit Highlights

NYSSBA 2nd Annual Equity Summit Teachers College, Columbia University May 2, 2019 8 am - 3:30 pm 2018 Summit Highlights

EQ Educator Institute

Essential Skills for Social Emotional Learning

June 25-27, 2019

New Orleans, Loyola University 

Registration Open

EQ Educator Institute Essential Skills for Social Emotional Learning June 25-27, 2019 New Orleans, Loyola University  Registration Open

This project made possible by a generous gift from the Christian A. Johnson Endeavor Foundation.

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